A couple of days ago I posted about using oauth2_proxy with Nginx to restrict access to github uses. Next step is move the code to a docker image and a do a github fetch and jekyll build to finish the setup.

You can find the docker build files here.

Just to understand the process:

  1. Startup image and do initial clone of documentation site with deploy key
  2. Startup jekyll build -watch on checked out git repo
  3. Do git pull every 10 seconds

How to use the docker build file

To do you own setup you need to generate a ssh-key pair and put it in the root/.ssh folder.

cd root/.ssh
ssh-keygen # pick location ./id_rsa

This key public part needs to be registered in repo Setting -> Deploy keys. I picked a very long random string for the ssh password, fx. min 40 chars to make brute-forcing close to impossible.

Next create a file to hold the enviroment variables, this file should NOT go in the repo and should be kept private on the hosting server.


SSH_PASSWORD=<Password for ssh key>

Sample command to build and run the site:

cd docker/
docker build -t tlb:tlb.nversion.dk . && docker run --env-file=Dockerfile.config -t -i -p 4280:80 tlb:tlb.nversion.dk

Im using Nginx to do the SSL termination, but if you are hosting on AWS then using Elastic Load Balancer would be the best choice for this:

location / {
  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
  proxy_connect_timeout 1;
  proxy_send_timeout 30;
  proxy_read_timeout 30;