fscrypt setup on Ubuntu 18.10
Linux FScrypt
Initial setup
First define the device in question, usually something like /dev/sda1
export DEVICE=/dev/sda1
To setup a filesystem to support encryption, first check that your block size is equal to your page size by comparing the outputs of getconf PAGE_SIZE
and tune2fs -l /dev/device | grep 'Block size'
. If these are not the same, DO NOT ENABLE ENCRYPTION.
getconf PAGE_SIZE
sudo tune2fs -l $DEVICE | grep 'Block size'
Block size: 4096
As the values are the same we can proceed. Now enable encryption on the EXT4 device:
tune2fs -O encrypt $DEVICE
Now we need to install some fscrypt
sudo apt-get install fscrypt libpam-fscrypt
Set up PAM
Create the file /usr/share/pam-configs/keyinit-fix
(need sudo rights) and fill with the following
Name: keyinit fix
Default: yes
Priority: 0
Session-Type: Additional
optional pam_keyinit.so force revoke
Next re-configure pam to use fscrypt
sudo pam-auth-update
Now log out of the session and in again to load the new pam files.
Encrypt a local folder
Start the initial setup:
sudo fscrypt setup
Replace "/etc/fscrypt.conf"? [y/N] y
Customizing passphrase hashing difficulty for this system...
Created global config file at "/etc/fscrypt.conf".
The setup encryption on the root partition
sudo fscrypt setup /
Finally encrypt a test folder
mkdir encrypted
fscrypt encrypt encrypted # Select 1 - Your login passphrase (pam_passphrase)
Logout and login to see that the folder gets decrypted without having to type a password. It is transparent to the yourself, but other user will see files with random names and encrypted content.
Encrypt the home partitition
Do this as in a TTY terminal (i.e. CTRL-ALT 1
) as root or another user as your system might act strange if your are graphically logged in while doing this.
sudo su -
export USERNAME=user1
mv /home/$USERNAME /home/$USERNAME.bak
mkdir /home/$USERNAME
fscrypt encrypt /home/$USERNAME --user=$USERNAME
rsync -avH --info=progress2 --info=name0 /home/$USERNAME.bak/ /home/$USERNAME/
rm -rf /home/$USERNAME.bak
The strange options for the rsync is just to provide a more easy readable progress when there are several hundred thousand files.